• Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology

Department of Biological Sciences and Technology


Name Specialty
Yen-Ni Teng
Chair of the Department
Biosensing, Nanotoxicology, Male Reproductive Medicine
Te-Sheng Chang
Regulation of Melanogenesis, Development of Skin-Whitening Agents
Tsui-Ling Chang
Ubiquitination-related Disease, Protein Degradation
Deng-Yu Tseng
Physiology, Endocrinology, Reproductive Physiology
Ming-Chih Huang
Associate Professor
Fishery Biotechnology, Cancer Genetics, Molecular Neurology
Huei-Ju Ting
Associate Professor
cancer biology, toxicology
Hui-Chen Wu
Associate Professor
Plant Pathology, Stress Physiology of Plant, Biofuel
Che-Chia Tsao
Associate Professor
Genetics, Cilia Assembly and Ciliopathy, Functional Genomics in Algae


In coordination with the state policy in science and technology and with the development of the National University of Tainan, the goal of the Department of Biological Sciences and Technology is to conduct teaching and research in both fundamental biological sciences and applied fields of biotechnology. We collaborate with related departments in the University and in nearby institutions to establish featured research programs that can support and also be benefited from regional biotechnology industries. The research interests of our faculty focus on biomedicine, aquaculture, microbiology, and plant biotechnology.

Educational Goals

We design and provide curriculum for our students:

1.to emphasize on basic biological sciences and applied biotechnology;

2.to practice and to obtain hands-on experience in biological sciences and technology;

3.to realize the importance of continuous learning and self-education;

4.to improve the language ability for professional communication and to collaborate within groups;

5.to have the ability to innovate and solve problems.


The minimum credit requirement for the degree is 129 units, which consists of the following:

1.General Education Courses: 32 credits minimum

2.Professional Courses: 97 credits minimum in total (37 credits of compulsory courses; 48 credits of electives; and 12 credits of free electives)

3.Free Elective Courses:
(1) Elective courses offered by the department
(2) Elective professional courses offered by other departments

4.Students enrolled in other departments wishing to double major in Biological Sciences and Technology should complete a minimum of 61 credits (including 37 from the compulsory courses and 24 from the elective professional courses).

5.Students enrolled in other departments wishing to minor in Biological Sciences and Technology should complete at least 12 credits from the compulsory courses and 12 credits from the elective professional courses.

6.Department required courses:
Compulsory Courses
General Biology (I, II), General Biology Experiment (I, II), General Chemistry (I, II), General Chemistry Experiment (I, II), General Physics (I), Organic Chemistry (I), Introduction to Biotechnology, Biochemistry (I, II), Biochemistry Experiment, Cell Biology (I), Cell Biology Experiment, Genetics, Genetic Experiment, Molecular Biology

Features and Future Development

To be a part of the planned university expansion in Cigu Campus, and to support the local development of featured biotechnology industries, we will strengthen our research programs in medical and health studies, in developing bioactive reagents, pharmaceutical applications, and functional food products, and in genetic engineering to improve the quality and productivity of microbes, plants, and aquaculture animals.
The department encompasses four major research areas:

1.Medical biotechnology: biopharmaceuticals, oncology, nanomedicine, biomarkers, apoptosis, reproductive medicine, environmental pathology and ciliopathy.

2.Plant biotechnology: molecular evolution, molecular biology, plant tissue culture and gene transfer, and functional genomics in algae.

3.Microbial biotechnology: development of healthy foods and cosmetic products, fermentation.

4.Aquaculture biotechnology: molecular endocrinology, systematic biology in aquaculture.

Student Career Opportunities

Biological science and biotechnology is one of the most rapidly advancing and promising disciplines in this century. We train our students to perform basic research and to acquire practical experience with specialties in the fields of biomedicine, aquaculture, microbiology, and plant biotechnology. Students can work as research assistants, scientists, consultants, or project managers in the government, industries, or research institutes. Related job fields include biomedical research and development, cell culture, plant tissue culture and gene transfer technology, microbiology and fermentation, aquaculture biotechnology, etc. Students can also continue their graduate studies in our department, in other academic programs, or abroad.