• Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology
  • Ecology.Energy.Biology

Department of Ecology and Environmental Resources


Name Specialty
Wen-Be Hwang
Chair of the Department
Associate Professor
Evolutionary Biology, Behavioral Ecology, Etomology
Tsung-Hsin Hsieh
Plant Taxonomy, Vegetation Ecology
Yi-Kwang Wang
Aquatic Ecology, Phycology, Ichthyology, Aquatic Insects
Yuan-Mou Chang
Stable Isotope Ecology, Stable Isotope Hydrology, Animal Ecophysiology
Hau-Jie Hsu
Associate Professor
Community Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Ecological Survey, Remote Sensing and Geological Information System
Yu-Lin Fan
Associate Professor
Ecotourism Planning and Management, Visitor Behavior Studies, GIS, Environmental Education and Interpretation
Yi-Zhen Hsueh
Associate Professor
Landscape Ecology, Recreational Resources Survey and Evaluation, Ecological Planning and Design,
Ying-Shih Chen
Associate Professor
Ecotourism Evaluation and Certification, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Tourism Planning and Development
Wei-Yu Chen
Associate Professor
Ecotoxicology, Environmental/Biological Monitoring Systems, Ecological/Human Risk Assessment


Environmental degradation and declining biodiversity due to population growth and increasing resource consumption have raised concerns on the quality of global environment and the future of human generations. Sustainable development has become a guiding principle of development for countries all over the world. The management of human development has also been extended from traditional pollution prevention and environmental protection to the management of broader ecosystems. In this process, ecological concepts and practices have increasingly been applied in the management of natural resources and the conduct of economic activities. Growing ecological concerns have also facilitated the initiation of ecological enterprises and the development of related technologies, creating businesses such as ecological engineering, ecotourism, organic agriculture, green industry and a variety of green Industries. Considering that the principle of sustainability will continue to guide the development of our society, the Department of Ecoscience and Ecotechnology was established to meet increasing demands on the research and application of ecological theories. The Department offers an undergraduate program and two master's degree programs in Environment and Ecology, and Ecotourism.

Educational Goals

Educational goals for the undergraduate program include training students to become competent professionals and research personnel proficient in ecological theories and their applications to ecological conservation and nature-based businesses. Graduates from this Department will have broad knowledge in ecology, conservation biology, environmental sciences and related technologies, capable of conducting ecological investigation, wild life conservation, environmental remediation, environmental education, and the application of ecological principles in the planning and management of businesses and industries. Graduates from the Graduate Program of Environment and Ecology will have broad knowledge in areas such as environmental sciences and engineering, ecology and conservation biology, environmental education and interpretation. They are trained to be competent practitioners and researchers in fields such as environmental and ecological investigation, environmental quality management and pollution prevention, ecological preservation, as well as various levels of environmental education. The Graduate Program of Ecotourism is dedicated to the study of concepts, planning processes, and execution of ecotourism. The educational goals are designed to train students to become ecotourism management professionals, and researchers in areas such as eco-planning and eco-design for tourism, natural resources management, environmental impact analysis, evaluation and preservation, as well as the conservation of ecological and socio-cultural resources.


1. Undergraduate curriculum
A wide variety of courses are offered which are grouped into three academic themes, including fundamental courses, ecology and conservation biology, and ecotechnology and eco-businesses. Students are free to tailor their own curricula according to individual interest. Courses offered for the class of 2010 are as follows:
Fundamental Courses
General Chemistry, General Biology, Calculus, Statistics, Ecology, Introduction to eco-technology and eco-business
Ecology and Conservation Biology Program
Evolutionary Biology, Conservation Biology, Behavioral Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Zoology, Invertebrate Zoology, Ecological Monitoring, Wildlife Management
Eco-technology and Eco-business Program
Environmental Science, Industrial Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Geographic Information System, Ecological System Management, Ecological and Environmental Restoration

2. Graduate program in Environment and Ecology
Courses are grouped into three academic themes, including environmental conservation, ecological restoration, and environmental education. Aside from four compulsory courses, students are free to tailor their own curricula according to their research needs and interests under the consultation of academic advisors. Courses offered for the class of 2010 are as follows:
General Courses
Seminar, Special Topics on Ecology, Special Topics on Environment Sciences
Environmental Restoration Program
Special Topics on Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Bio-technology, Ecological Engineering System Analysis, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Special Topics on Environmental Ecology
Ecological Conservation Program
Special Topics on Conservation Biology, Human Ecology, Bird Ecology, Community Ecology、Special Topics on Landscape Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Entomology, Stream Ecology, Special Topics on Wetland Ecology, Practices in Wildlife Management, Ecological Survey and Monitoring

3. Graduate program in Ecotourism
Courses of this program are identified by four major themes, including Resource Assessment and Eco-Planning, Eco-Management, and Tribe and Conservation. Students are encouraged to choose courses according to their interests and academic needs. Courses offered are as follows:
Ecological Landscape Planning and Design
Special Topics on Sustainable Ecology, Ecological Landscape Design, Theories and Practices of Eco-community Development, Special Topics on Environmental Restoration, Tourism Impact Assessment and Management, Special Topics on Landscape Ecology, Special Topics on Ecotourism Planning
Eco-Business Develop and Management
Tourism Management, Tourism Marketing, Recreational Behavior Research, Ecotourism Programming, Leisure Agriculture Management, Case Study for Ecotourism Certification, Geographic Information System, Eco-Education Garden, Multivariate Analysis
Tribal Culture, Interpretation and Conservation
International Conventions on Ecological Conservation, Tribe Tourism, Ecotourism Certification, Tribal Architecture and Landscape, Ecological Interpretation Design, Cultural Interpretation Design, Special Topics on Ethnobotany

Features and Future Development

With growing world population and resources consumption, sustainability will continue to be a guiding principle for the development of our society. The demand for a better understanding of ecological functions and the application of ecological theories to businesses and industries will grow accordingly. Research and education at the Department of Ecoscience and Ecotechnology address the needs of our society in this area.

Student Career Opportunities

Graduates of the undergraduate program will have a broad knowledge in theories of ecology and environmental sciences and their applications to ecological conservation, environmental protection, and ecological businesses. Prospect employers include government agricultural and conservation agencies, research institutions, consultants, landscape planning and design companies, as well as conservation NGOs. Graduates from the Environment and Ecology Master's Program are well prepared for conducting services and advanced research in environmental protection and ecological conservation. Prospective employers include government environmental protection and conservation agencies, environmental consulting and construction companies, landscaping and ecological planning institutions, as well as academic and research institutions. The Ecotourism Master's Program prepares students for works related to tourism planning, design, and management, as well as ecotour resources management. Prospective areas of employment include tourism management and entrepreneurship, outdoor recreation, national parks, natural and cultural preservations, environmental education and interpretation, and advanced research related to these areas.